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"I am somebody. I was somebody when I came. I’ll be a better somebody when I leave. I am powerful, and I am strong. I deserve the education that I get here. I have things to do and places to go."

- Rita Pierson.

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My Teaching Philosophy

Rita Pierson once stated, “Every child deserves a champion - an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be.” I was fortunate to find a true appreciation of learning and the value of education early on. I was born into a lengthy familial history of teachers. I am among the fifth generation of teachers in my family. I believe in equal and exceptional education for every student. Students can engage and thrive in a secure, safe, caring, and stimulating environment. I want to help children grow as individuals and as life-long learners. I plan to be a facilitator, a guide on a great adventure…a safari of learning. I want to lead in the best light and in the best example so they will develop the security and confidence to become leaders themselves…leaders in their educational journey. My job as a teacher is to instill the tools to cultivate the garden of learning for each and every single student to bloom and flourish. I hope to embrace the differences that make each and every one of us special and unique. I have a world vision of peace, tolerance, and acceptance. I believe I can bring that vision to fruition within my classroom. If I can help to open their hearts, it will lead to a community more open-minded. I believe it is critical that all of my students have a voice. I will present a curriculum relevant and interesting by providing hands-on activities and allowing the space for engagement and discovery. My students will always know I am only one question away.


As a teacher, I plan to foster critical thinking skills. I will have high expectations of all of my learners, regardless of what stage of learning they are in. My ultimate goal is educational progress for each of my students. I will teach in the zone of proximal development, the gap between where the child is today and the goal of success we will reach in the immediate future. My teaching will never remain stagnant. My teaching will incorporate a diverse approach to teaching that will satisfy the various kinesthetic, visual, and auditory learning styles. I will utilize my understanding that knowledge is the collection of skills and information that a person will learn adding to their background experience and that intelligence is the application of that knowledge. While curriculum and instruction is critical in the learning process, I will supplement their learning with current events and relevance to their world. Learning can and should be fun. I want my students to tap into their imagination and creativity. I can remember throughout my life getting lost into great adventures of literature and I want to pass that love and passion to all of my students.


Teaching is not a job, it is a calling. I realize that my students will only get as much as I am willing to put in. This is a career of service and giving to others. But as I have witnessed with my own family of teachers, the rewards and benefits are worth the sacrifice. By providing an environment full and rich with nurturing and learning. I believe the role of the educator should be aware of her students' emotional, social, psychological, and physical development as well as their cognitive growth. The teacher is a student’s greatest motivator and cheerleader. I know that many students will not get to travel the world, but I will provide that opportunity in my classroom. I will have a multicultural classroom full of diversity and tolerance. The advancement of media and technology in education has opened up a world of possibilities.l I will stay committed to my growth as a teacher as well. Through continued professional development, I want to show my students that I am a life-long learner also. I want to model behaviors they will admire and respect. In my invisible bag I bring to class each day, I commit to sprinkle hope and aspiration on every child every day.


Teaching can be daunting. Teaching is not a scripted set of instructions to follow. Every student will be unique and special. They will bring variables and challenges to class every day. While I will focus on classroom management and lesson planning, I also plan to allow creative and relevant ways to keep the flow of instruction engaging. I want to let my students talk things out and allow their voices to be heard. I cannot wait to learn with them and bond with them. I cannot wait for the moment when a student reaches success after a long struggle of trial and failure; I can only imagine that it would be like crossing the finish line of a marathon. However, I will be right there running beside them every step of the way. I want to build a community within my classroom that reflects, infuses, and celebrates differences. My classroom will be a community of learners that make smarter choices and have gained knowledge when they leave my classroom. Ruby Payne once states, “Teaching is what happens outside the head; learning is what happens inside the head.” I will strive to see that light bulb of learning shine brightly in each and every one of my students. The children of our nation only deserve the very best and that is what I will give them every step of the way.


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(210) 570-4492

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